You may have noticed that older or improperly stored cannabis isn’t as potent and fragrant as a fresh purchase. That’s because cannabis drying and curing doesn’t stop the many processes that cause Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to break down. This breakdown is called THC degradation. What is THC degradation, what speeds it up, and most importantly, is there a way to stop it?

What is THC degradation?

THC degradation refers to the reduced quality and quantity of THC in your cannabis flower. You may assume that THC degradation is an indicator that your flower is “bad” or wasn’t grown in optimal conditions, but that’s not the case. THC degradation is a natural and expected process once cannabis is harvested, one that continues even as cannabis dries, cures, and makes its way to the dispensary.

Factors that affect THC degradation


THC-A, which is the acidic, non-intoxicating form of THC that occurs naturally in cannabis flower, also begins to degrade into THC at harvest. The process by which this conversion occurs is known as decarboxylation. Although this process is most often associated with taking a lighter to flower and smoking it or making edibles, this reaction takes place at all temperatures (though faster at higher temperatures).

Oxygen also catalyzes decarboxylation, so it will occur in cannabis plants when they’re harvested, no matter what. That said, the harvested plants can be stored in a manner that slows or stops this reaction.


Oxidation is any chemical reaction in which a substance reacts with oxygen, rust being perhaps the most common example. Cannabis experiences oxidation, too — in particular, oxygen degrades THC into CBN. This cannabinoid doesn’t impart the same experience as THC, which may be a good thing or bad thing for consumers, depending on their consumption goals.

Humidity and light

Air isn’t the only everyday environmental agent that breaks THC down. Buds with more moisture are associated with THC degradation, as are buds exposed to light. From everyday indoor light rays to UV rays, light accelerates the breakdown of organic matter, including the THC in cannabis.

What is CBN and how does it connect to THC degradation?

CBN is a minor cannabinoid and the result of THC degradation. CBN is known for its relaxing properties. It’s theorized that CBN is responsible for causing what you may have heard called the “couch lock” effect when your high is not an energetic one, but a deeply sedating one. Unsurprisingly, CBN is being explored by researchers for its potential as a sleep aid.

How can you tell if THC has degraded?

Take a close look at your bud next time you go to grind it up. Notice the white-ish coating on the outside of the bud. Those are trichomes, which are near-microscopic structures that house the majority of your flower’s phytocannabinoid content — including THC — and its terpene content.

When the trichomes are milky white, that’s a sign that they are rich in THC. If the trichomes have turned from milky white to golden amber, that’s a sign that THC degradation is significant and CBN is now present in high amounts. If you’re still in doubt, smoke a little bit and see how you feel. If the effect is not as strong as you typically expect it to be, or if you feel a little sleepier than normal after consuming, it’s likely that THC degradation has occurred.

Even if you store your cannabis flower perfectly, the THC content will eventually degrade into CBN. It’s an unavoidable process, but it can be slowed through proper management of four environmental factors: temperature, humidity, air, and light. Here’s how each factor influences THC degradation.

THC degradation and temperature

Cannabis needs to be dried, cured, and stored at ideal temperatures to prevent THC degradation (and for terpene preservation). That’s because THC begins to decarboxylate at high temperatures. This process converts THC-A, or the acidic, non-intoxicating form of THC found in cannabis flower – into the intoxicating THC.

Heating your cannabis in a vaporizer or by lighting a joint kickstarts this process. However, the temperature threshold for THC degradation is much lower than a flame’s. Cannabis flower only needs to be exposed to temperatures around 110°F for 30 minutes for decarboxylation to kick in and THC to begin degrading.

THC degradation and humidity

After putting all that time and work into drying your cannabis flower, it’s no surprise to learn that introducing humidity back into the plant can be harmful to its quality. Drying and curing cannabis flower to the right humidity levels is crucial for stabilizing THC content. However, flower mustn’t be too dry – extracting too much moisture can make the flower too brittle and crumbly to consume.

THC degradation and air

Air may seem harmless, but oxygen is one of the most significant contributors to THC degradation. Cannabis exposed to oxygen will degrade faster than it would in other environments. High levels of CBN can indicate that the cannabis was exposed to too much oxygen during the drying and curing process, or it may be an indicator that the cannabis was improperly stored.

THC degradation and light

Exposure to light, specifically UV rays, contributes to THC degradation. These rays contribute to the breakdown of organic matter, including plant matter like cannabis. That’s why it’s so important to store your cannabis in dark places where it won’t be exposed to sunlight.

How long until THC degrades?

THC begins degrading the moment the cannabis plant is no longer connected to its roots. Additionally, as stated earlier, at 110 degrees Fahrenheit, it takes just 30 minutes for THC degradation to occur. It’s rare for THC to completely degrade, though: After 90 days, there is still some THC content in cannabis flower, with lower temperatures associated with higher THC content. In fact, one study found that it takes four years for THC to degrade completely.

Does THC degrade at high temperatures?

Yes, THC degrades at high temperatures, as it does at all temperatures above freezing. That said, the higher the temperature, the more THC degrades, so THC degradation will be stronger and more obvious at high temperatures.

Why should cultivators and brands care about THC degradation?

Certainly, cannabis needs to be stored correctly at home – away from light, oxygen, and humidity at the correct temperatures – to extend its longevity. But THC degradation should be a concern for dispensaries and other cannabis purveyors, too. Here’s why cannabis companies need to be concerned about THC degradation:

  • Time to sale: The longer cannabis sits unsold, the more time THC has to degrade into CBN. This limits flower’s ideal freshness window, and in turn, how long product can sit on the dispensary shelf before flower is no longer of quality.
  • Brand reputation: Stale flower or old flower can earn a brand a bad rap. Although there’s nothing to do to stop time, it is in a brand’s interest to preserve freshness as best as it can to ensure a positive experience once the customer takes their cannabis home.
  • Cannabinoid harvesting: For extractors and manufacturers of infused products, maximizing THC extract is of utmost importance. Flower that’s been exposed to higher temperatures, non-ideal humidity levels, oxygen, and UV rays will degrade into CBN faster, producing a smaller yield of THC content.

"Why should cannabis companies care about THC degradation? Time to sale, Brand reputation, Cannabinoid harvesting"

How Cryo Cure prevents THC degradation

Cryo Cure is celebrated for its “feast of the senses,” preserving cannabis flower’s color and aroma as if the flower was just picked from the plant. Those same patented preservation techniques take hold on the molecular level, resulting in a euphoric experience without the “couch lock” effect.

As we discussed earlier in this article, time is the enemy of fresh cannabis, and THC degradation begins the moment the flower comes off the plant. Cryo Cure’s patented technology trims down time spent drying and curing cannabis from weeks to less than a day, shaving THC-killing time off a lengthy process. Cutting down this time preserves the plant’s THC-A content, preventing it from degrading into THC and eventually CBN before the product even makes it to the shelf.

Additionally, Cryo Cure’s drying and curing process is conducted at subzero temperatures. This freeze-drying technique means that too-high temperatures aren’t even a possibility in the Cryo Cure process. Cryo Cure machines are also tuned for ideal moisture levels in cannabis flower, around 8 to 12 percent, so too-high humidity levels won’t be a factor, either.

Cryo Cure prevents THC degradation

Drying and curing cannabis are essential processes for preserving your flower for the long haul, but they fail to capture the plant at just-harvested freshness levels. Even if you dry, cure, and store cannabis properly and perfectly, THC degradation will begin the moment the plant is harvested. The question is not if you can prevent THC degradation altogether, but how you can slow down the process. Storing cannabis away from light and oxygen at the right temperature and humidity levels can extend the life of your flower’s THC content, or you can opt for Cryo Cure, which mitigates the major actors that accelerate THC degradation in the first place.